Chiropractic Services

Adjust To a Pain-Free & Healthy Lifestyle

For over 10-years, Dr. Partridge has perfected the technique to provide fast pain relief through his chiropractic and acupuncture techniques for all patients throughout Colorado Springs, CO, and the surrounding areas. He uses hands-on administration to remove nerve interference and restore the body to its optimal health state. The doctor specializes in specific adjustments that are safe and effective for any age and condition. Dr. Partridge has comprehensive training in diversified and extremity adjustments that are perfect for patients as young as infants to geriatric patients. At The Partridge Family Practice, we will help you get back to living your life to its fullest! Call or text us today at 719-440-5706 to schedule your consultation.

What to expect

Woman in bed having a headache | Colorado Springs, CO | The Partridge Family Practice

Migraines & Headaches

Suffering from migraines and headaches can ruin your day and make it hard to focus on daily tasks. Migraines can be treated with medication. These medications help to numb or dull the pain but rarely fix the underlying cause. Migraines usually present as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. This pain is most likely located in the temple behind the eye. Women are more likely to suffer from migraines than men. Each individual's experience with migraines differs, but episodes occur as frequently as 1 to 3 times per month.

Man holding his thigh | Colorado Springs, CO | The Partridge Family Practice


Sciatic nerve pain can begin at the spine and travel through the lower back and tailbone and down the back of the legs to your feet. Even though pain may be felt in the calf or foot, sciatic pain begins where the spine is out of alignment in the low back. The misaligned vertebra may directly interfere with the sciatic nerve or lead to other issues such as muscle spasms and herniated discs, which lead to irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Office assistant in front of computer with nape aching | Colorado Springs, CO | The Partridge Family Practice


Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition that can feel like it's taking over your life. More than 5 million people in the United States suffer from this condition every day. This chronic condition may be widespread and is often accompanied by tenderness. Fibromyalgia can cause several painful and unpleasant symptoms and is treated through a variety of chiropractic techniques that can help provide relief and become realigned.

Pregnant woman having a back pain | Colorado Springs, CO | The Partridge Family Practice

Pregnancy Pain

Pregnancy is a beautiful and rewarding time in your life, and yet, the experience can be compromised and diminished by the dramatic physical changes taking place in your body. Over half of women experience's back pains during pregnancy, which takes a mental and emotional toll along with the physical agony of pain. Being pregnant and in pain both physically and mentally is unhealthy for both mother and baby.

Chiropractor and child holding a spine model | Colorado Springs, CO | The Partridge Family Practice

Pediatric Care

Whether your child is suffering from a condition or has been injured playing sports, you will undoubtedly want to bring them in as soon as possible after an injury. For the treatment of children, The Partridge Family Practice uses gentle methods to ensure there isn't additional pain during treatment. Contact our office to set up an appointment to treat your child's conditions, pain, or injury.

Football player having a knee injury | Colorado Springs, CO | The Partridge Family Practice

Sports Injury

A sports injury can become serious if you ignore the pain. Our bodies are fragile, and it takes very little to disrupt their ability to function. When it comes to pain and feeling comfortable, that is undoubtedly true. At the first sign of feeling abnormal or experiencing some level of prolonged pain, it would be wise to consult Dr. Partridge as soon as possible. A Sports Chiropractor can examine you and diagnose a treatment plan to relieve your unwelcome feelings and pain to help you got back to your regular routine.

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